Since I went home on Dec. 15th, it wasn’t worth buying and decorating a tree for a week or two. Luckily, Kyle & Maygan had a tree, and they were awesome enough to invite me over to decorate! Armed with a bottle of red and some hot cinnamon toast to get us in the Christmas spirit, we cranked up the Christmas tunes and had quite possibly the most fun and random tree-decorating ever.
Buckley started off the evening’s ceremony by wearing the tree skirt, as is often the tradition in most American homes.
Ok, let’s keep going. But first, lots of dancing to celebrate the fact that we LOVE Christmas & Christmas songs & cinnamon toast & trees & ornaments & Christmas.
Oh there it is. Let’s just stop here. We present to you…the Christmas tree.
Ok now we’re really getting somewhere – Lights!! More celebratory dancing!
Time to get serious. Putting the star on the tree. Kyle, the honorary star-placer, stretches in preparation for the big moment.
The moment of truth…
Family picture, everyone gather round. If this doesn’t say “Christmas card”, I don’t know what does.
In addition to dancing, stretching, and dressing Buckley up in a tree skirt, we did yoga, rave danced, performed various interludes of Michael Flatley’s Lord of the Dance, waved a vacuum in the air as a dance prop, tried to top the tree with a lemon, wrapped Kyle in Christmas lights & plugged him in. So…pretty much I gained two of the most fun and hilarious friends I could ask for by moving to Paris. And they told me that instead of moving back to Houston in 2 years, they will just alter their life plans to stay however long I’m in Paris so I can always have this much fun, in fact they signed a contract, and are therefore legally bound. C’est tres bien!
I want to decorate a tree right now! Perhaps a traditional Valentine tree?? St Patty’s tree?