Omnivore Paris on the Omnivore World Tour 2015
Omnivore, the food festival 100% young cuisine, celebrated it’s 10th year this year. As usual, it was 3 full days of demonstrations by chefs and producers from around the globe.
Chefs, food, wine, spirits, demonstrations galore. You really have to plan your day as the schedule is back to back on three different levels. At the end of Day 1 on Sunday, they announced this years Omnivore awards. The noteworthy Paris awards are:
“Ouverture” (Best new opening): Taku Sekine et Amaury Guyoy (Dersou)
“Jeunesse” (Best young & upcoming restaurant): Tatiana Levha (Le Servan)
“Pâtissier” (Pastry chef): Yann Couvreur (Hôtel Prince de Galles)
“l’Homnivore” (Omnivore’s Man of the Year): Pierre Gagnaire
Omnivorious Party
The Omnivorious party was Monday night, and this is really the most fun event of the 3 day festival. Your ticket gets you a set of little red tickets that you can exchange for small bites of food prepared by 19 different restaurants. Here’s the line-up:
We received 1 Champagne ticket, 1 wine ticket, and 1 cocktail ticket, along with 8-10 food tickets. I didn’t count how many food tickets were included, and it didn’t matter, because many of the chefs declared that we should just keep our little ticket for another table, and “Bon degustation!”.
I think I cashed in 3 tickets the entire night, even though I ate non-stop, and I never used my cocktail, Champagne, or wine ticket, because the Champagne and cocktail fellows tended to the same philosophy.
Everyone insisted that we should “save it for next time”, a next time which never seemed to necessitate a ticket. I do love being a girl sometimes.
This is of course my perfect kind of event. Table after table of chefs preparing lovely bites of food.
From Cyril Lygnac’s truffled ham & cream dish (left) to L’Eclair de Genie’s mini golden eclairs (right), everyone worked hard cranking out the tiny dishes, and everyone was generous, friendly, and in good spirits.
Brooklyn Brewery graced us with their presence, and Raphaele and I were crowned queens of the Brooklyn Brewery Ball. How did we get invited to be the center of this chef-filled picture with Gregory Marchand from Frenchie floating above our heads? I do not know, and I do not care.
As newly crowned ambassadors of Brooklyn Brewery France, we salute you.
Please, no photos. Please.
The whole evening had a fun buzz to it, and by the time the food stations had shut down, everyone directed their attention to the DJ and danced with hot pink sunglasses and red fans until they made us leave.
Happy 10 Years, Omnivore! Keep ’em comin’.
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