On May 1st, everyone was walking around carrying these tiny packets of flowers:I had no idea why, but EVERYONE had one, so I felt compelled to partake ...
Celebs & Croissant Class!
For the sake of chronological order, let me back up a bit. I had a really awesome Friday a couple weeks ago, the day of the Royal Wedding. ...
A Few Observations
Observation #1. Getting Behind. I'm getting behind on the blogging. I write hypothetical blog posts in my mind all the time as I'm walking ...
Let's go ahead and temper all of this euphoria & delight & Paris magical amazingness with a little bit of what I like to call "The Glamorous ...
Euphoria Stage
I can't tell you how many times in the past few weeks I've woken up in the morning, looked out the window to see clear blue sky, and declared to ...
Foie Gras & Friends
It's about time I introduced some of the peeps in my life here in Paris! I'll eventually do a full introduction of my coworkers, but for now, ...
House Hunters Filming
Before moving to Paris, I sent a letter to the HGTV programming suggestions department suggesting that they pick me for an episode of House Hunters ...
Oh, How the Mighty Have Fallen
I'd been to Paris somewhere around 12 times before moving here. Sometimes for a week, two weeks, weekend visits when I lived in France '04-'05, ...
A Random Collection
I have so many things to share, I'm certain I'll never catch up. This is going to be the most random post ever. I'm just going to warn you ...
Pain au Chocolat & Undecipherable Space Laundry
Back to more interesting things, like breakfast pastries. I decided that a good rule to implement was "No pastries during the work week." Only on my ...