I’m here to admit that I have a thing – a big thing – for food and Paris.
Anyone who knows me knows this already. 0% surprise on that admission.
Back in the olden days of 2011-2012, I kept a blog to stay connected with friends and family back home and give updates on my life happenings in Paris. With time, nearly all of those happenings involved food, and it ended up as a food blog masquerading as a personal blog.
Look, there I am, digging for food.
I created a whole new site and changed the name because I’m way more excited about writing about all the great places to eat in Paris than I am about writing about myself.
The process of researching restaurants before any trip to Paris is what ultimately led to me becoming such a food lover. I started reading other Paris food blogs and sites like Chowhound, spending embarrassing amounts of time, hours and hours, reading about restaurants so that I could narrow it down to a few during a quick Paris visit.
The more you start discovering about this culinary world and its breadth, the more you want to try, and soon my restaurant, bakery, pastry, & chocolate shop list was so long that I had to move here.
And I’m so glad I did. That’s my office building, by the way. Pinch, pinch.
Ultimately, the love affair with Paris is what led to this love affair with food, and the truth is that it’s now one of the things I’m most interested in and passionate about. I always take food pictures because I like having the memory of great dishes (and because food is pretty), and those pictures sit in a folder to gather digital dust.
So dusty.
But no more. I need an appropriate outlet for all this food excitement, which is why a Paris food blog makes sense.
Since I have the privilege of living in one of the greatest culinary cities on the planet, why not document those experiences in case others want to know more about where to eat, or are potentially on the verge of becoming food-obsessed and need just a few more restaurant reviews to push them over the edge?
Do these cupcakes make you want to move to Paris? Just think about it. Take your time. I ate a cupcake while you were thinking about it.
Anything before this post will be from nearly two years ago, and not always about food. Moving forward, it will be 98% food-related, with 1% travel & 1% non-edible Paris thrown in. The same sort of Paris tales as before, just with a central theme of eating.
I feel better already. All these food photos can finally see the light of day.
I hope friends from home will still check in every now and then to see what’s going on in Paris, even if you don’t care about food. I’ll try to keep it interesting.
Top 3 images by my talented friend Michelle Boyd during our fun Paris photo shoot.
Hello Julie, you do not know me. But, when you were in the last few months of your last blog I discovered it, after seeing you on House Hunters Intern’l. I loved your blog for Paris’ sake, food’s sake and of course, your sake. Your blog was one of the few I can say I read from beginning to end. I have traveled and visited Paris a handful of times before, but with your posts I truly explored….what fun it was. Then, boohoo, it stopped and I hoped and prayed all was well for you in Paris. I checked in on your old blog around spring of last year because we had an ever so brief opportunity to visit Europe/Paris in June of 2014 and I wanted to get some ideas from your old posts and hoped you had continued to post. But no new news. Then tonight I was looking over our June vacay photos and thinking how we again did not have enough time in Paris and wondered, ” maybe Julie is blogging again and, be still my heart this beautiful blog pops up and I see, amazingly that you have just started it up….now I know the Lord has great things to do, but He perched that little thought in my head to find your new site and that delights me. Thank you for sharing and I will say a little prayer for you and your sweet Parisian life, because He brought you up in my thoughts for a reason, I am sure. Blessings and Bon Appetit!!!!
Jenny! I do remember you! Your last comment must have come at a time when I had completely stopped my blog, and by the time I read it, you had already come and gone. I saw it as I was looking to start this back up and felt bad that I had missed it. That’s so sweet of you to say, and I’m so happy you enjoyed it before. I know there’s a million blogs out there, so I sometimes wonder why I should add another to that stack, but I really do think it’s fun just to write about experiences and keep the memories. So all the more fun if it’s helpful in planning a trip to Paris! I hope you get to plan a trip again soon, and if not, I’ll do my best to show a little of what’s going on. So glad you thought to look it up again – love the perfect timing. Thanks for your sweet note, I’m excited you’ll be along for version 2! 🙂
A beautiful site, Julie! I am glad I came across it and will definitely be following from now on. I too make several lists of places I want to eat each time I travel to Paris…and since those trips are becoming nearer and more often, who knows…maybe I will be brave enough to make the leap and move! Looking forward to following your finds and musings! 🙂 xx
Thanks! 🙂 Looks like you’ve got some great recipes I need to try out as well. Definitely give me a shout if you find yourself heading to Paris anytime soon!
Yes!!! I’m sooo happy you finally have a food blog! Also, I’ve missed your writing!
I don’t know why I just stopped out of nowhere. I’m excited to start it up again!